Tuesday, March 23, 2010

School Day 5: Doughnuts and Steak!

As I said last week, this week we covered, theory of deep frying, baking and grilling. It was the same format as last week. Firstly the theory on the methods, then we were handed our recipes.

Doughnuts and steak sandwich with our own non fail bread dough recipe.
Personally my doughnuts weren’t as sweet as I’d liked them to be but it was interesting to make them for the first time and watch as the dough expanded and turned into those fluffy balls of pillow-y sugar.

I found that forming the smooth texture of the product was very important because as they fry they enlarge and all the marks become much more visible.


250g strong flour
Pinch of salt
30g butter
5g dried yeast
30g sugar
125ml warm milk
½ egg
  1. Sift flour and salt and rub butter into flour till a bread crumb like consistency
  2. Make a well in the center of the flour and place yeast and sugar and pour in some blood temperature milk into the yeast.
  3. Beat the egg into the remaining milk and add it into the mix.
  4. Kneed the dough till its smooth and elastic
  5. Place it in a bowl and cover with a damp cloth till size doubles.
  6. Knock the dough back and divide the dough into 50g portions and roll them into balls or rings. Allow them to double in size again.
  7. Heat oil till its 175 degrees and cook each side for 2 mins.
  8. Drain the doughnuts and roll them in cinnamon sugar. ( the doughnuts should feel light and airy before you remove them from the oil)    

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