Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 152 - 153: Tomato Tart Tantrum

On the pass again for a lovely cold Saturday morning, wasn’t to busy the sous chef in charge took care of 3 tastes whilst I helped back section clean whiting and muscles. When I was finished all I had to do was the last taste which was pork loin and pickled cherry and apple coleslaw.

Lunch afternoon got pretty busy, hot entrée was in the weeds and I was left alone on the pass, with 3 big tables coming up, others came to my aid helping plate what they cooked, whilst waiters held tables while the food was plated, overall it was quiet the experience, with only 1 casualty, a nasty burn for the chef on pastas.

In the PM I was in larder and I had my staff meal. I did a traditional Vietnamese braised caramel pork belly, which I remember my mother making a lot for me when I was younger.

Dinner service was massive for everyone, we sold 9 tomato tarts which is a lot compared to our normal 4, and we were forced to make tarts to order with roasted tomatoes instead.

After a huge night I arrived at work on the Sunday knowing the size of my prep list and was dreading it. Upon arriving I saw that my dear friend from larder who was doing a pass shift was very hung over from celebrating Collingwood’s win yesterday.

At 11:50 we were informed that our bookings had dropped due to the weather and now we would have a cruisy 90 for lunch and 60 for dinner. I was home before I knew it.


  1. Don't you just love those days when your home before you know it :) Your staffie meal of Vietnamese braised caramel pork belly sounded great though.
    Chef Anna

  2. Fast days feel awesome when you're drained and tired from a busy week and you know that it's your "friday" and the weekend is just a few hours away.

  3. I work at Donovans in St Kilda. have u been there before?
