Friday, July 9, 2010

146 -147: Desire..

I was sent home on Wednesday, having a error in the roster meant there was 3 on when in the middle of a quiet week. Our junior sous chef is leaving to a job that’s no longer as time consuming so he can finish studying to become a landscaper.

The party last night went on to 5:30AM with ½ of us having work the next day. Most were hung over and very tired but managed to scrape through the AM before the PM crew rescued them.

The recent shuffle in positions in the kitchen has seen our pastry chef in the hot entrée section doing soups and deep fried things. Not handling that well, it seems that one of the larder chefs has enough experience just from watching the section run to do it better than he does. Looks like it wont be me who will move up next =(


  1. hang in there. everything happens in its proper time. dont be too upset and continue to work hard it will certainly pay off.

  2. Yeah 2.5 more years here no rush i guess. Thanks
