Monday, February 15, 2010

School Day 1: Eww...

First day of School at Sofitel Culinary Acadamy. The day started with me waking up at the usual time, but instead of a 20 minute drive in heavy traffic, I had a lovely 10 minute walk in the chilly morning air up a hill to the hotel. 

A teacher came to get us from the meeting point where we got changed at the staff change rooms and proceeded to the class rooms where the usual school stuff happens, attendance blah blah blah..

As we entered the room we were told to go wash our hands and come back, we then put this strange smelling lotion on and washed it off with water. At this point I was thinking this had to lead somewhere as it was super weird. As we came back after washing off the lotion we were told to our hands under a UV lamp or something which showed up strange white specs. These white marks were bacteria! all of us were amazed and instantly felt dirty  

With the point made, we were told we weren’t going to get into the kitchen today but do a module on food hygiene and health and safety within the kitchen, which I thought was pretty understandable start to the semester.

The day was short we got a lunch break then we were handed our staff cards and we were sent home withe the news that the following week is our 1st test on the module we learnt today

9AM - 1:30PM short and sweet but i guess it will finish at 4PM or 5PM on a regular day. 


  1. My text has a section on bacteria and safety at the very beginning (after history and cuisine types). Pretty interesting that they did a scan of your hands. This just reinforces the whole sanitation bit.

    So glad you like my blog. This is sooo great that you are sharing and helps me understand the process of learning in an accredited environment. It will be interesting when we get to preparing whole sides of animals, eh?

  2. i remember some of my friends doing dentistry had that one done to them. gotta remember the nails and between the folds of your knuckles
