Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 223 - 225: A Year In a Blur.. of SQUID INK?

What a first day back, front section trouble again. A quick mend with a swap of chefs and in for a long night of stressing out from a surprise staff meal to letting two new chefs run larder, while I watch in horror.

Tonight was a record finish for me with all of us staying back to prepare our house chips because the potatoes have become extremely sweet and are hard to fry without them turning black before they actually get crispy.

The week actually becomes blurry after that, few shifts on the pass and more training of new chefs, nothing that eventful but as I reach my 1 year mark at Donovans. Congratulations to me!

I actually do remember what happened, remember the squid crackers I was talking about I did get to make them and they did turn out pretty cool. Even though they look like garbage bags and smell like fish they taste like a prawn cracker.

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