Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The road to the grand final weekend was a slow one. The week was quiet as the big day approached. I had my weekend early in the week so my splits would lie on Saturday and Sunday. Booking were low on grand final day I mean low like a Tuesday low.

On the day of the big game I was carrying buckets of hot stock when I had a accident I tripped over and poured hot chicken stock on my foot which hurt like hell. After swearing for a few seconds I got my shoe and sock off and my foot into cold water, it wasn’t long before it started to blister and hurt through the cooling effects of the liquid my boiled foot was in.

I was taken to the medical center on Acland street and I was told I had 2nd degree burns on my foot and I would need a week off. This was definitely not a good time since we already have no staff but I had no choice I saw my foot and it was pretty bad.


  1. owwowoww, its like that worksafe ad where that guy destroys his face! aat least it was your foot!!

    hope it gets better quickly, but at least you get a guilt free break!

  2. damn that look painful. were u wearing proper work shoes???? well at least u get to take a break. hope u heal fast.

    if u ever get a chance check me out!!


  3. thanks guys!
    ytes i was wearing the standard birkenstock chef shoes that most people wear. the burn is only around my ankle area where the stock went into and kinda stayed there because the fit was so well around the rest of my foot.

    I've returned to work now, the blister finally popped and it feels much better!

    - The Pantsless Chef
